CLAHQR2(3)    ScaLAPACK routine of NEC Numeric Library Collection   CLAHQR2(3)

       CLAHQR2  - i an auxiliary routine called by CHSEQR to update the eigen-
       values and Schur decomposition already computed by CHSEQR,  by  dealing
       with the Hessenberg submatrix in rows and columns ILO to IHI

                           Z, LDZ, INFO )

           LOGICAL         WANTT, WANTZ

           INTEGER         IHI, IHIZ, ILO, ILOZ, INFO, LDH, LDZ, N

           COMPLEX         H( LDH, * ), W( * ), Z( LDZ, * )

       CLAHQR2 is an auxiliary routine called by CHSEQR to update  the  eigen-
       values  and  Schur decomposition already computed by CHSEQR, by dealing
       with the Hessenberg submatrix in rows and columns ILO to IHI. This ver-
       sion of CLAHQR (not the standard LAPACK version) uses a
         double-shift algorithm (like LAPACK's SLAHQR).
       Unlike the standard LAPACK convention, this does not assume the
         subdiagonal is real, nor does it work to preserve this quality if

       WANTT   (input) LOGICAL
               = .TRUE. : the full Schur form T is required;
               = .FALSE.: only eigenvalues are required.

       WANTZ   (input) LOGICAL
               = .TRUE. : the matrix of Schur vectors Z is required;
               = .FALSE.: Schur vectors are not required.

       N       (input) INTEGER
               The order of the matrix H.  N >= 0.

       ILO     (input) INTEGER
               IHI      (input)  INTEGER It is assumed that H is already upper
               triangular in rows and columns IHI+1:N, and that H(ILO,ILO-1) =
               0 (unless ILO = 1).  CLAHQR works primarily with the Hessenberg
               submatrix in rows and columns ILO to IHI, but applies transfor-
               mations  to  all  of  H  if  WANTT  is  .TRUE..   1  <=  ILO <=
               max(1,IHI); IHI <= N.

       H       (input/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDH,N)
               On entry, the upper Hessenberg matrix H.  On exit, if WANTT  is
               .TRUE.,  H is upper triangular in rows and columns ILO:IHI.  If
               WANTT is .FALSE., the contents of H are unspecified on exit.

       LDH     (input) INTEGER
               The leading dimension of the array H. LDH >= max(1,N).

       W       (output) COMPLEX array, dimension (N)
               The computed eigenvalues ILO to IHI are stored  in  the  corre-
               sponding elements of W. If WANTT is .TRUE., the eigenvalues are
               stored in the same order as on the diagonal of the  Schur  form
               returned in H, with W(i) = H(i,i).

       ILOZ    (input) INTEGER
               IHIZ     (input)  INTEGER Specify the rows of Z to which trans-
               formations must be applied if WANTZ is .TRUE..  1  <=  ILOZ  <=
               ILO; IHI <= IHIZ <= N.

       Z       (input/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDZ,N)
               If  WANTZ is .TRUE., on entry Z must contain the current matrix
               Z of transformations, and on exit Z has been updated; transfor-
               mations are applied only to the submatrix Z(ILOZ:IHIZ,ILO:IHI).
               If WANTZ is .FALSE., Z is not referenced.

       LDZ     (input) INTEGER
               The leading dimension of the array Z. LDZ >= max(1,N).

       INFO    (output) INTEGER
               = 0: successful exit
               > 0: if INFO = i, CLAHQR failed to compute all the  eigenvalues
               ILO  to  IHI  in a total of 30*(IHI-ILO+1) iterations; elements
               i+1:ihi of W contain those eigenvalues which have been success-
               fully computed.

       Modified by Mark R. Fahey, June, 2000

ScaLAPACK routine               31 October 2017                     CLAHQR2(3)