CROTG(3)        BLAS routine of NEC Numeric Library Collection        CROTG(3)

       CROTG - Extensions to BLAS level one rotation subroutines

           SUBROUTINE CROTG ( a, b, c, s )

           COMPLEX      a, b, s

           REAL         c

       CROTG  computes  the  elements  of  a Givens plane rotation matrix such

            _             _    _   _    _   _
            |      c    s |    | a |    | r |
            |-congj(s)  c | *  | b | =  | 0 |
            -             -    -   -    -   -

       where r = (a / sqrt(conjg(a)*a)) * sqrt ( conjg(a)*a + conjg(b)*b ) ,
       and the notation conjg(z) represents the complex conjugate of z.

       The Givens plane rotation can be used to introduce zero elements into
       a matrix selectively.

       a       (input and output) COMPLEX

               First vector component.

               On input, the first component of the vector to be rotated.   On
               output,  a is overwritten by the unique complex number r, whose
               size in the complex plane is the Euclidean norm of the  complex
               vector  (a,b),  and whose direction in the complex plane is the
               same as that of the original complex element a.

                   if |a| != 0
                   r = a / |a| * sqrt( conjg(a)*a + conjg(b)*b )

                   if |a| = 0
                   r = b

       b       (input) COMPLEX

               Second vector component.

               The second component of the vector to be rotated.

       c       (output) REAL

               Cosine of the angle of rotation.

                   if |a| != 0
                   c = |a| /  sqrt( conjg(a)*a + conjg(b)*b )

                   if |a| = 0
                   c = 0

       s       (output) COMPLEX
               Sine of the angle of rotation.

                   if |a| != 0

                   if |a| = 0
                   s = ( 1.0 , 0.0 )

       CROTG is an extension to the Level 1 Basic Linear  Algebra  Subprograms
       (Level 1 BLAS).


BLAS routine                                                          CROTG(3)